

HELP!!! jupas choice~15points!





expected al result:AL chi history: CAL geograpy: DAL account: DAS cc: CAS ue: CCE best six :24B in chi C in eng(syl b) B in mathsA geo ; B acc ; B c.hist ; C econmy jupas choice:1 4836 geography and resource management CUHK2 6987 computer science HKU3 6468 nursing HKUis it high chance to admit... 顯示更多 expected al result: AL chi history: C AL geograpy: D AL account: D AS cc: C AS ue: C CE best six :24 B in chi C in eng(syl b) B in maths A geo ; B acc ; B c.hist ; C econ my jupas choice: 1 4836 geography and resource management CUHK 2 6987 computer science HKU 3 6468 nursing HKU is it high chance to admit one of these 3 programmes?? thx so much for ur help^_^ 更新: but for choice 6987, isn't it possible to apply it as hku stipulates that c grade or above in ce maths is also acceptable??


4836) CUHK-GRM 呢科收分都幾高. 我同學上年CD/ACD都入唔到. 但係你擺都可以試下. 因為你會考好.中大好睇ce. band A1亦不妨為興趣擺d鐘意既科. 6987) HKU-BEng(CS) 呢科唔擺得呀. jupas guide寫住話可以緹ce maths-C黎代替. 但係實際上係唔得架. jupas guide有d野係呃人架.唔好信晒. 上年我地去問過個faculty dean. 佢話ce maths-C唔得.一定要AL讀. 所以你最好就唔好搏呢科喇. 6468) HKU-BNurs 呢科你都唔擺得. jupas guide又係呃人架. 佢寫住讀bio係preferable.其實係must. 你AL無讀無問題.但係至少ce一定要有讀過. 仲要係pass. 我同學上年擺band A1.但係入唔到. 佢成績BC/BCD,,過晒median. 放左jupas之後佢email問個faculty dean. 佢reply話係因為佢無讀晒bio. 所以唔好擺喇! 我覺得你cu-RGM okay架.可以搏下. 努力d考好三科AL啦. jupas真係要好小心擺.影響好大. 希望幫到你=)


You did not study biology, you should not choose nursing. HKALE Requirements(1) No other specific requirements HKCEE Requirements Candidates should preferably have obtained a Grade E or above in Biology or Human Biology You did not study any Maths in AL, you cannot choose computer science! HKALE Requirements(1) Grade E or above in AL Pure Maths or Applied Maths or Grade D or above in AS Maths & Statistics or Applied Maths HKCEE Requirements For applicants without Grade E or above in AL Pure Maths or Applied Maths or Grade D or above in AS Maths & Statistics or Applied Maths, Grade C or above in Maths or Additional Maths The first one is acceptable, but quite difficult.

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