
2006 Acura Rsx Type-R DC5





性能, 整體表現, 特點: 更新: To: Andy Wong "係香港賣既Rsx 係用美版既 2.0 i-VTEC engine 201ps 6-gear" original Rsx got 160ps only and Rsx Type-S 201ps 6 gears not 160ps 5gears To: likhang516 im askin RSX not RL but anyways thank you


由於深知DC2的操控與動力均衡性之口碑,因此開之前難免存疑接班人是否還有能力延續Integra其﹁最速FF﹂的封號,特別是引擎從成熟度極佳的B系列更改為K系列,底盤也從前後雙A臂修改為麥花臣式,曾經有人質疑這已經漸漸失去本田原味,但不隨便妥協的Honda車廠,豈有拿FF一哥的前途來砸自己招牌,再發表歷經幾個年頭後,這款DC5不論是在引擎或操控,都維持住Integra的口碑,改裝的熱潮也堪稱是Honda旗下最優,繼承最速FF之名當之無愧,要細說DC5的許多特點,筆者接下來將會以重點式來介紹,本文這部來自益新國際的紅色Acura RSX,就大手筆地移植了日規Type-R的引擎與底盤,且為了維持整部車的原廠協調性,除了避震器外幾乎未做更動,說是後天版本的DC5的確不會言過其實。


全部人都唔知係度講緊乜 Acura Rsx 係Honda 既屬下公司 係香港賣既Rsx 係用美版既 2.0 i-VTEC engine 201ps 6-gear 而Honda Integra DC5 係香港只有水貨 Integra DC5 Type S 2.0 i-VTEC engine 160ps 5-gear Integra DC5 Tprs R 2.0 i-VTEC engine 220ps 6-gear (type-R 為最頂級)|||||性能: 機械設定方面,一台3.5公升VTEC引擎無疑叫人愛不釋手。這台最大馬力為295匹的機器,峰值扭力更達35.8kgm,配上五前速自動波及四驅系統後,由靜止加速至100公里只需6.4秒,單看數字已知不簡單。試駕時,一般的加速又快又順,引擎聲難以傳入車廂;在連續多彎的路段,才是Acura RL的Show Time,試以較高速度入彎,Acura RL都是輕鬆又無聲無息地完成,別忘記它是一部體形不小的大房車,能夠做到如此靈活的過彎動作,有賴四驅系統完全發揮出水準,四個輪胎總是無時無刻地緊咬地面,安全性十足。 四驅功架掟極唔甩|||||Acura's entry-level car is a 2-dr hatchback coupe sold in base and higher-performance Type-S trim. Both RSX models have a 2.0-liter 4-cyl engine. The 155-hp base model offers a 5-speed manual transmission or an optional 5-speed automatic with manual shift gate. The sportier 201-hp Type-S comes only with a 6-speed manual. Every RSX includes antilock 4-wheel disc brakes and front torso side airbags. The performance-driven Type-S adds a firmer suspension, larger brakes, 17-inch wheels vs base 16s, an in-dash CD changer, and a rear spoiler. Models equipped with a manual transmission add interior accents in chrome and faux titanium. Both models include an automatic climate control system, sunroof, and heated mirrors. Leather upholstery is standard on the Type-S, optional on the base. Acura says the RSX will be dropped after the '06 model year. The link below got a lot of related links for Acura RSX Type-R 2006-11-01 04:39:46 補充: I tested this car back in late 2005 and overall, this is a fast and responsive car. It has the power to deliver. Except that this is a light weight car, i.e. noisy in high speed (when over 100 km/h), not stable in hi-speed corner turns. By all means a car for young drivers.

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