Polynomials – factor Theorem & the Possible Linear Factors
Find the real root of the equation P(x)=0 if (a)P(x)=x^3-4x^2+11x-14 (b)P(x)=2x^3+9x^2-4x+5 (c)P(x)=x^4+x^2+1 Please show the steps to find the possible linear factors 更新: (b) P(x)=2x^3+9x^2-4x+5 P(-5)=0 Please show me the most important thing is how to find out all the possible linear factors. You just show me P(-5) =0 Are you try from -1/2, -1, -1.5, -2, -2.5, -3, -3.5, -4, -4.5, -5....
(a) P(x)=x^3-4x^2+11x-14 P(2)=0 ∴(x-2) is a factor of P(x) x^3-4x^2+11x-14=0 (x-2)(x^2 -2x +7)=0 x-2=0 OR x^2 -2x +7=0 (rejected) ∴x=2 (b) P(x)=2x^3+9x^2-4x+5 P(-5)=0 ∴(x+5) is a factor of P(x) 2x^3+9x^2-4x+5=0 (x+5)(2x^2 -x +1)=0 x+5=0 OR 2x^2 -x +1=0 (rejected) ∴x=-5 (c) P(x)=x^4+x^2+1 Let a=x^2 P(x)=a^2+a+1 Since Δ=1^2-4(1)(1)= -3 < 0 ∴No real solution for a^2+a+1=0 ∴No real solution for P(x) 2007-04-08 15:10:46 補充: 回答你的補充問題:的確,我真的是試出來的我不敢說我用的方法一定是好方法,但我只可以說給你聽我就是用這個方法找我使用的計算機是CASIO fx-3650P先試(x-1)和(x+1)是不是factor of P(x)1 STO(即是SHIFT RCL) X再將2x^3+9x^2-4x+5輸入計算機按EXE再現12(≠0)所以(x-1) is not a factor of P(x)按 -1 STO X按上(計算機再出現2x^3+9x^2-4x+5和12)再按EXE出現16所以(x+1) is not a factor of P(x) 2007-04-08 15:23:36 補充: P(-1)=16P(0)=5P(1)=12現在我想找何時是負數只要找到P(?)是負數,我就完成了一半因為P(?)是負數,P(0)是正數在?和0之間必定有一個數令P(x)=0那麼便先試些較大的數(但不要太大,否則?和0之間的範圍太大要找哪個數令P(x)=0會比較麻煩)我便試x=5和x=-5結果就被我找到P(-5)=0