



我想知道香港八所大學在法律系方面的收生要求。 會考及A Level要拿幾多個"A"呢?成績方面的要求是不是和讀醫的差不多 而且,我想知道是不是很多報讀的?


HKU: al中位數: BBB 中英都A CE 中位數: 5A 包括英文 過去幾年都係只收band A, 上年大約係4個人爭一個位. 放o係band B或以下係幾乎唔會收. CUHK: AL中位數: CCC 中英都B CE中位數:2A包括英文 + 5B 上年band A 3.4個人爭一個位. 無收band B. CITYU: AL中位數: DDD 英文B 中文C CE中位數: 1A 數個B包括英文 上年band A 8個人爭一個位, band B 56個人爭一個. 2005同2003有一個人band D入到. 以上係2006 jupas數據. 年年都會唔同. 而且我只係俾中位數你睇. 比中位數差少少都有機入. 總括黎講, 英文點都要好. 中文都唔可以差. HKU同CUHK 英文點都要C以上. CITYU D以上, C以上會優先. 基本上你英文好既話, 入既機會會大好多. good luck





Only HKU, CU and CityU have Law School. Not all universities have Law School. The requirement of HKU is very high but still cannot compare with medicine due to its dim propectus. The requirement of CU is also very high due to small no. of intakes, big campus and the reputation of CU. CU's Law School has just established. It is too early to say this school is good or not. CityU's requirement is low again due to the industry's dim future and super over supply of law graduates. CityU is very famous (and in fact no.1 in HK) in International Economic Law, Chinese and Comparative Law and Commercial Arbitration which are not Common Law. For solicitor route, you should target to those Corporate Finance team of big Anglo-American law firms, which you may earn $40K+ as trainee and $60K 2-3yrs PQE. For barrister route, if your mother tongue is English or near English and you are a borne advocate, you should be able to earn big bucks. However, it may take you few years before your business get on track. As barrister, there is no fixed income and you have to pay the chamber fees. All the above routes are very competitive and the work life is not as rosy as you think. No matter which of these fields, you have to work heavy extended hours and under tremendous pressure. Most of the people in these fields say they basically have no life other than work. In the good days, you can earn money fast, but in the bad days, these fields are the first to shrink and lay people off. Remember, we only talk about the best cases here. If you only manage to get into small and medium size Chinese firms, solicitors are just another typical lousy SME job in HK earning BELOW average salary with LONG working hours. 而家法律系graduates比市場實際需要多出十倍, 揀law讀之前要唸清楚. I would advice you to consider accountancy (which is now in great demand) unless you are genuine interested in PhD in Law. Even so, it may be better to study a first degree in Economics first and then a post-graduate London U external LLB (Hons) if you wanna to do a PhD or JSD in International Economic Law for example. A formal full-time training in law, e.g. LLB and legal practice course is not important for reseach in law. Research ability, e.g. a formal training in economics, is more important.

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