如果價錢合理,貴少少都可以考慮 網上或自己意見均可...thanks!!!! 更新: beenoho: 如果閣下是缺乏這方面的知識,可以選擇不回答。 請尊重自己及他人,因為惡劣的言行,是會間接反映出家長的管教能力的。 更新 2: 看得出你地都很用心幫我解決疑難,3位都有獨特見解,好難分高低 我會待時限到期交付投票解決
A) The Peak 1) 天一酒家 Tien Yi 山頂凌霄閣2樓及3樓3A-B號舖 電話: 29073888 Guangdong cuisine Average spending: $500 http://www.openrice.com/big5/sr2.htm?shopid=16432 It can overlook the Victoria without any obstacle. But it is quite expensive. Average price per dish is $150. Food quality is good. 2) 阿甘蝦餐廳 Bubba Gump 山頂凌霄閣3層304-305號鋪 電話: 28492867 American cuisine Average spending: $100 Famous dish: 炸蝦拼盤 & Cinnamon Bread Pudding http://www.bubbagump.com/locations/hong_kong.html http://www.openrice.com/big5/sr2.htm?shopid=16517 http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/crazy-club/article?mid=829 3) 太平山餐廳 Peak Lookout 山頂山頂道121號 電話: 28491000 Average spending: >$300 http://www.openrice.com/big5/sr2.htm?shopid=2659 http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!WhiX0NGCGRlUAJlHqXzwHw--/article?mid=1804 It is a resturant of good atmosphere, and is quite from those local restaurant in the downtown. Apart from steak and desserts, you may also order Seafood Platter. Besides, you may also request to seat outdoor. Of course, it is needed to be a fine day. B) Admiralty 1) Petrus 珀翠餐廳 金鐘太古廣場港島香格里拉大酒店56樓 電話: 28208590 French cuisine http://www.openrice.com/big5/sr2.htm?shopid=2691 Average spending: Over $1000 It ranked one of the top 5 restaurants in the world several years before. You have to dress up in the meal. 2) Cova Ristorant & Caffe 金鐘金鐘道太古廣場三樓 電話: 29189660 Italian cuisine http://www.openrice.com/big5/sr2.htm?shopid=5055 It is very famous for its cake. You may try its tea buffet at about $150 per head. At night, average spending is about $500. 3) 海都海鮮酒家 Victoria City 金鐘中信大廈五樓 電話: 28772211 Guangdong cuisine Average spening: $500 http://www.eastocean.com.hk/address.html http://www.eastocean.com.hk/package.html http://www.openrice.com/big5/sr2.htm?shopid=3883 It is famous for its delicacy and is the top restaurant in the group. _______________________________________________________________________ All the above are my suggestions and are good restaurants of delicious foods. Hope a nice meal.
貴d 就去山頂景峰餐廳,平d 就去金鐘遠東金融中心大家樂或大快活,兩度都有得睇夜景A9A3995907B431A4