


亞力山大大帝(alexander)點死? 要英文 亂答檢舉... 更新: 咩病?????


Death 圖片參考:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/06/World_323_BCE.png/400px-World_323_BCE.png 圖片參考:http://en.wikipedia.org/skins-1.5/common/images/magnify-clip.png The world at Alexander's death, showing his empire in its greater geopolitical context. On the afternoon of June 10–11, 323 BC, Alexander died in the palace of Nebuchadrezzar II of Babylon. He was just one month short of attaining 33 years of age. Various theories have been proposed for the cause of his death which include poisoning by the sons of Antipater or others, sickness that followed a drinking party, or a relapse of the malaria he had contracted in 336 BC. It is known that on May 29, Alexander participated in a banquet organized by his friend Medius of Larissa. After some heavy drinking, immediately before or after a bath, he was forced into bed due to severe illness. The rumors of his illness circulated with the troops causing them to be more and more anxious. On June 9, the generals decided to let the soldiers see their king alive one last time. They were admitted to his presence one at a time. Because the king was too ill to speak, he confined himself to moving his hand. The day after, Alexander was dead. Cause The poisoning theory derives from the story held in antiquity by Justin and Curtius. The original story stated that Cassander, son of Antipater, viceroy of Greece, brought the poison to Alexander in Babylon in a mule's hoof, and that Alexander's royal cupbearer, Iollas, brother of Cassander, administered it. Many had powerful motivations for seeing Alexander gone, and were none the worse for it after his death. Deadly agents that could have killed Alexander in one or more doses include hellebore and strychnine. In R. Lane Fox's opinion, the strongest argument against the poison theory is the fact that twelve days had passed between the start of his illness and his death and in the ancient world, such long-acting poisons were probably not available. The warrior culture of Macedon favoured the sword over strychnine, and many ancient historians, like Plutarch and Arrian, maintained that Alexander was not poisoned, but died of natural causes. Instead, it is likely that Alexander died of malaria or typhoid fever, which were rampant in ancient Babylon. Other illnesses could have also been the culprit, including acute pancreatitis or the West Nile virus. Recently, theories have been advanced stating that Alexander may have died from the treatment not the disease. Hellebore, believed to have been widely used as a medicine at the time but deadly in large doses, may have been overused by the impatient king to speed his recovery, with deadly results. Disease-related theories often cite the fact that Alexander's health had fallen to dangerously low levels after years of heavy drinking and suffering several appalling wounds (including one in India that nearly claimed his life), and that it was only a matter of time before one sickness or another finally killed him. No story is conclusive. Alexander's death has been reinterpreted many times over the centuries, and each generation offers a new take on it. What is certain is that Alexander died of a high fever on June 10 or 11 of 323 BC.


話說亞力山大大帝戰爭了很久,當他想回國的時候,不幸被老鼠咬到,因此得到「黑死病」便在巴比倫病逝.|||||亞歷山大公元前323年死於巴比倫。歷史以來其死因有不斷的爭議。大多數記載亞歷山大在巴比倫的一次痛飲後,得了瘧疾,除羅馬歷史家Iustinus和Curtius。有理論認為他死於嚏根草中毒。被下毒的理論被如Robin Lane Fox質疑,由於在古希臘缺乏長作用時間的毒。 美國疾病控制和預防中心在最新出版的2004年7月號《新型傳染疾病》雜志里刊登了幾篇論文,討論了「亞歷山大死於西尼羅河病毒」說法。|||||他是病死的.



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