
CEF course


i want to claim the cef,also i think claim $10000 is better ..........now i am working,but it is only to kill the time.i couldn't get a pass in a-l ue 2 years before.and i have not taken other english exams....also i want to work and study cef course...which cef course will fit me to have ??...also i want... 顯示更多 i want to claim the cef,also i think claim $10000 is better ..........now i am working,but it is only to kill the time.i couldn't get a pass in a-l ue 2 years before.and i have not taken other english exams....also i want to work and study cef course...which cef course will fit me to have ??...also i want to prepare the degree course....i hope the cef course can help me ..........i am so confused.. pls write back me in Chinese..thanks so much!!!!!!



你係唔係想報商業英語文憑課程? 其實你考試達標,出席率80%或以上, 係香港居民,18-60歲就可以有政府資助 個課程學費係1萬多.政府資助後只需幾千蚊 仲送網上英語系統課程900小時 課程會著重於辨公室,客戶銷售,會議討論,業務報告等等商業英語題材, 適合在職人士報讀。 內客係透過讀,聽,寫,講四方面的訓練。 課程內容會係好互動,有角色扮演,小組討論等等.可以更加輕鬆學英語! 我朋友讀過都話幾好.又唔會話太悶! 如果你有咩問題或者想報讀有關課程 可以msn搵我或e-mail俾我! msn:kwan_234@hotmail.com e-mail:forever_kwan234@yahoo.com.hk 2007-07-30 00:23:59 補充: 可以上呢個網睇下http://www.hkue.edu.hk/programs_1_c.aspx


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