



情人節送咩俾佢好呀? 佢係男仔呢ar! 咁我應該送咩俾佢做情人節禮物ar? 唔該幫下我ar! thank!


卡片我介紹妳去 PAPYRUS 買! 雖然貴 D 不過 D 卡幾令!! 我多數去哩間買! 地址係: 銅鑼灣 希慎道 33 號 利園一期 3 樓 305 號鋪 佢地都有精品賣! 妳都可以睇下! 我覺得送比男仔實用 D 好! 識左唔係太耐就唔好送太貴! 建議: 鎖匙扣 銀包 ($200-$400) 唔好太貴! 記得擺 D 錢係入面! 黑曜石手鍊 ($100 - $200) 幾型架! 我有兩條!! XD



一般人會送朱古力/手製朱古力,不過如果想特別一些,送其他的禮物。如果是我的話,我會送他想要的物品,不一定跟人同樣,情人節是一個向你的伴侶表達自己的心意的日子。|||||I'm Weileen Tong, so, to answer this I will tell you it is best if it is a propose in a special way. My lover did that to me on May 14th. But I was slow in response. I set a requirement that my only husband is one who program my marketing project and campaign for me. That project is an innovation. I created it out from nothing. But it has all tatics and smart plans and ideas, WIllie Chu got hold of it with his own ways and programmed it for me. That was how he proposed in May. It shocked me and it touches me still. I love to cry till now and then. It was so sweet and such a fantastic propose that made me cry and I cannot do anything else. So I recommend all of you to try and propose in a special way because it can be really astonishing and moving. I live in: House 4. Lot. 1977. sd2. Helena Heights. Kowloon. Fei Ngo Shan. Hong Kong. If u need further help just write me an e-mail or come find me, i'm open to all questionings I'm a professional. I want to shout out to the whole world that Weileen Tong loves Willie Chu forever and ever, nothing will tear us apart or change us at all. 2007-02-10 17:43:33 補充: I love Willie Chu Forever and Ever and ever this is eternal flame.|||||chocolate=朱古力! >

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